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MyBooKitty has a new rainbow look!
MizziDot now has over 100 items in the Shop! Check it out today!
MizziDot by MyBooKitty now has 81 items in the shop! AND... we added a 2012 collection!

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About MizziDot
Hi! My name is Boo. I am here to tell you about MizziDot! Well, first... I guess it started with my Website. In 2009, my owner decided to make a website, dedicated to yours truly... Me! From there, there was a store that was coming soon. It was coming soon for about 2 years. But earlier this year, sometime in June, I think it was, she made MizziDot! She named the store after her pet gerbil Mizzy. But sadly, since then Mizzy has passed, but MizziDot still remains in memory of little Mizzy! MizziDot is constantly adding new items, too!

And that is my story, at least the short version...

- BooKitty ❤